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For Our Community

We are a combination volunteer and career fire department that serves the community of Red Lodge, Bear Creek, Luther, and surrounding areas located in scenic south-central Montana. Our busy community is home to about 3,500 people.


Red Lodge Fire Rescue provides comprehensive emergency services not often found in communities our size. Our unique location – at the edge of the Absaroka Beartooth Wilderness – demands that we provide a wide variety of quality emergency services.

Our Members Respond To:

  • Medical emergencies, including critical care level calls

  • Motor vehicle accidents

  • Structure fires

  • Wildland fires

  • Search and rescue emergencies, wilderness, and highly technical rescues

  • Many more life and property threatening emergencies 


We Also Provide:

  • Medical standbys at sporting and special events, such as our summer rodeos

  • Community training and education

  • Wildland fuels reduction program


Red Lodge Fire Rescue is dedicated to saving lives, fighting fires, and building community.  

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