The Fire Division of Red Lodge Fire Rescue provides fire protection, rescue and other emergency service for Red Lodge, Bear Creek, Luther and surrounding area in Carbon County within Red Lodge Rural Fire District 7. We also provide mutual aid to nearby districts.
Red Lodge Fire members respond to:
- Structure Fires
- Wildland Fires
- Car Fires
- Car accidents
- Carbon monoxide, gas and odor investigations
- Technical rescues
- Medical Assists
- Support for other Divisions and agencies
The Fire Division also provides:
- Fire inspection services
- Plan reviews
- Input on safe property development
- Fire Prevention Resources
- Hazardous fuels mitigation and reduction projects
- City Addressing

Red Lodge Fire Division is ideal for those looking for a dynamic, often challenging environment which utilizes team work, problem solving and physical skillsets. Emergency response experience is not required. A basic fitness level, the ability to perform in dangerous and potentially life threatening environments both in and out of doors, a positive attitude, professionalism, a willingness to adapt, and a commitment to safety is a must for this division. The Fire Division currently responds to around 200 calls a year.
Fire volunteers are self-motivated and driven to serve the community. Our average volunteer fulfills over 115 hours of training (more than 10 hours a month) and responds to over 45 calls annually. Meetings and training are held on every Monday evening (with some exceptions), so having this time available in your schedule is important. Fitness is imperative to the job and members make physical and mental health and activity a priority.
Training and Benefits
All new firefighters take part in a 6 month Recruit Academy during which they learn the basics needed to respond to calls with our members. The academy begins in mid-December or early January and typically ends by mid-June. Firefighters are offered a firefighter physical before they begin training with self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA).
Training is the foundation of the Fire Division and firefighters continually prepare for emergencies of all kinds using state-of-the-art equipment and techniques. We train every Monday of the month (with some exceptions) for up to 3 hours.
Members of the Fire division are not compensated monetarily for their time, all of our members are eligible for our incentives program and as a member, you and your family have access to the camaraderie of a great group of people, our gym, pre-training meals, Peer Support, the state firefighter retirement program and more.
Being “On Call”
Red Lodge Fire members are not expected to be “on call”, however, we do ask that you respond to pages when you are available. Calls usually wrap up within a few hours but structure and wildland fires can sometimes last several hours to overnight. You will also have the opportunity to sign up for community events, teach training, and do work around the station.
Fiscal Year 22-23

Incident Types